"Of that dark tranquillity when you pass that old liquidated national factory..." Poem by Mohamed Walid Grine

"Of that dark tranquillity when you pass 
 that old liquidated national factory..."

Walking down Tripoli street
in the afternoon
of that november sunny day 
And when I passed this building
an old gloomy factory
of a liquidated national company
I felt a dark tranquillity
overwhelming me
I was angry
Wrath was burning me
I wanted to shout!
Dark tranquillity inhabits
the working-class neighbourhoods
in which I feel all
its melancholy, strongly
This happens each time
I pass an abandonned national factory
left without workers, deadly empty
and coming down, slowly
whose the fault?
Criminal liberalism, certainly
Whether it is in El Harrach,
Belcourt or Hussein Dey
I feel this deep dark tranquillity

By: Mohamed Walid Grine, 27/12/2015
On the picture: The front door of the SN SEMPAC, the buried National Company of Semolina Mills , Milling and manufacturing of pastas and couscous (1965-1982), in the district of Hussein Dey, in Algiers.


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